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- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 07:46:35 PDT
- From: The Info-Mac Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #130
- To: info-mac-list
- Info-Mac Digest Mon, 3 Oct 94 Volume 12 : Issue 130
- Today's Topics:
- [*] AF2MacPAF; a new Mac PAF utility
- [*] AMT Modem Definitions (Mark/Space Collection)
- [*] Big Dreams 1/4; a newsletter
- [*] CatFinder v1.36; a disk cataloging utility
- [*] csmp-digest-v3-061
- [*] Disinfectant: A Toast (Summary)
- [*] Excel Object Nudger; fine access to Excel object positions
- [*] Glider Pro Demo 1.0.1, a game
- [*] Graf 2.1.1; a freeware scientific plotting program
- [*] Homer 0.93.4; an IRC client
- [*] Inflate XCMD v1.2; balloon help for HyperCard
- [*] Jigsaw v1.0 (a Jigsaw puzzle game)
- [*] JSokoban 1.0b10; a game
- [*] Kant Generator 0.4 beta; generates philosophy :)
- [*] Kant Generator 0.4 beta source code
- [*] Mac & IBM compare-Version 1.9.7
- [*] mac.ftp.list Version 3.9.0
- [*] MacDOS 2.0.0 demo; a command line interface
- [*] Mad Angels & Amphetamines; a collection of poetry and prose
- [*] Maniac 2.1; an arcade game
- [*] Mercutio MDEF 1.2b20 Public Beta
- [*] Mikan Demo Software; for japanese electronic books
- [*] Mount'em 1.0b2; mounts disk images
- [*] MusicBox XCMD v.3.0 for SuperCard
- [*] new maX.500 2.0.2; an Internet X.500 Online Directory client
- [*] NovaTerm 3.11; client interface for NovaTerm BBSs
- [*] nShell(tm) Mega Source v1.0.3
- [*] nShell(tm) v1.0.3; a programming environment
- [*] Open Sesame! 1.1.1 Demo; desktop taks automation
- [*] PageNOW! Demo 0.9.1 - Send messages from Mac to alpha pagers
- [*] Photo Fits Photoshop plug-in
- [*] Polish language lessons
- [*] Popup Folder 1.5 demo; hierarchical menus for the Apple menu
- [*] Prince of Destruction 1.0.1; an arcade-style game
- [*] Pro Predictor Week#4 Update; NFL data file
- [*] Quadra 630 Review
- [*] RSRC Search 1.0 (still beta); searches resource forks
- [*] SchoolStat 2.0.4; performs basic statistics
- [*] Seinfeld dialog; sounds from the show
- [*] SoundApp 1.3; sound playing and conversion program
- [*] Stop Press!!! replacement MacSense11
- [*] Tester 3.00; a test editor
- [*] text-editor-faq; about Mac text editors
- [*] TimeTracker 2.1.8; keeps track of the time you work
- [*] UltraDice 1.1.3; a Yahtzee-type game
- [*] Village Font (correction)
- [*] Vocalise XCMD v1.0.2; speech for HyperCard
- [*] WebMap; for layout of HTML pages
- [*] wolfenstein-threed-encounter1; a game
- [*] ZipQuest Pro Demo; a zip code directory
- "Sector Collector
- (Q) MS Works Unexpectedly quits
- 840AV extension mayhem (R)
- ===Need help with my modem ...===
- [Q] SE another frozen mouse
- Alternative StyleWriter II Cartridge
- Any Ideas?
- Best way to attach binaries in Eudora?
- Bol Processor
- Bus error with Stickies
- Calendar Question
- cheapest laswer printer with appletalk
- Common Ground (Wrap-up)
- Common Ground alternative.
- Dear friends,
- Disinfectant 3.5 - is it the latest version?
- DropText
- Easter Egg in PlainTalk 1.3 (C)
- email posting to newsgroup?
- Excel 4.0 & LW 8.1.1 Slowness
- Farallon PhoneNet -> Apple LocalTalk networks [R]
- Fast Internal Modems for LC and Up
- Gateway Definition on FC BBS
- gzip
- HD on Mac -- kill password
- Help with LetterGothic-EGG font submission
- INfo-Mac Posting
- InterPoll 1.0.1--Is there a newer version?
- LCIII cache cards
- loading image in MacWeb
- Looking for a Font [Q]
- Looking for a HC stack
- looking for Apple email addresses
- Looking for thumbnail icon maker s/w?
- LW Pro630 - automatically does both Mac and DOS/Windows
- Mac Music
- Mac OS 7.5 and repeated desktop rebuilds
- MacPPP and Telnet (Q)
- MacWEEK News article retrieval
- MS Office update?
- Network names and RevRdist (A)
- Newton--> Filofax
- Pagemaker 5.0 can't place FreeHand 3.0 doc (Q)
- Postscript printers and modems....
- Power SuperPaint?
- RamDoubler 1.5 crashes on 660av running System 7.5 (Q)
- Seeking speed reports from PowerMac users
- Thanks - Multiple Enablers
- Totally unimpressed with System 7.5
- Virtual Memory Conundrum (Q)
- VM on PowerMacs (A)
- Who's printing to my printer?
- WP Calender Freezing
- WriteNow4 - comments?
- The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
- Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts, Liam Breck, Igor Livshits, Adam C. Engst
- The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
- the world. For the site list, request it by mail (see below), or try:
- gopher://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/help/mirror-list.txt
- Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.
- Mail articles for publication in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail files for inclusion in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail administrative queries and info to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 15:16:26 -0500
- From: dadams@ironwood.cray.com (David C. Adams)
- Subject: [*] AF2MacPAF; a new Mac PAF utility
- This utility which I call AF2MacPAF will take a
- GEDCOM that was created by the LDS "Ancestral File"
- program and "clean" it up by translating the little
- inconsistencies where Mac PAF and AF disagree on what
- a GEDCOM file ought to look like.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/af-to-macpaf-10.hqx; 352K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 20:11:16 -0800
- From: mspace@netcom.com (Brian Hall)
- Subject: [*] AMT Modem Definitions (Mark/Space Collection)
- This archive contains modem definition files that import into version 1.5
- or later of the Apple Modem Tool to fine tune the operation of the tool for
- modems made by Prometheus (including LineLink), Global Village, and
- Supra/PSI.
- The included "Modem Definition Guide" contains complete instructions.
- The Apple Modem Tool (not included) is used by "works" packages, as well as
- many popular communications packages, including Communicate and PageNOW!
- >From Mark/Space Softworks.
- This collection will be updated on a periodic basis. The most recent
- versions can always be found via ftp to ftp.netcom.com in pub/mspace, as
- well as on the Mark/Space support BBS at +1-408-293-7290.
- Enjoy!
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/ctb/amt-modem-definitions.hqx; 97K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 21:59:15 -0800
- From: duncans@wimsey.com (Duncan Stickings)
- Subject: [*] Big Dreams 1/4; a newsletter
- Here is issue 4 of Big Dreams. It is a newsletter on personal
- development and business topics. It is in postcard format.
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/big-dreams-v1-04-pc.hqx; 188K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 15:57:50 -0400 (EDT)
- From: kturner@Cybernetics.NET (Keith Turner)
- Subject: [*] CatFinder v1.36; a disk cataloging utility
- Here's version 1.36 of CatFinder.
- CatFinder is a powerful disk management tool that catalogs your
- disks and provides an intuitive Finder-like interface for
- browsing the catalog contents. Any type disk can be cataloged
- with CatFinder (Diskette, CD-ROM, Hard Disks, etc.). CatFinder
- provides powerful search and reporting features to help you
- manage your disks and files.
- Version 1.36 corrects some problems CatFinder had running on
- older 68000 Macs.
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/cat-finder-136.hqx; 132K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 18:36:24 +0100 (MET)
- From: pottier@clipper.ens.fr (Francois Pottier)
- Subject: [*] csmp-digest-v3-061
- C.S.M.P. Digest Thu, 29 Sep 94 Volume 3 : Issue 61
- Today's Topics:
- Alpha Wordcompletion Script
- Appending data to WindowRecord
- Dialogs and (de)activate events
- Lets talk OpenDoc
- Linking with QuickTime.xcoff for the power pc
- Multiple monitors
- The 'aete' resource and the Script Editor
- can extensions send appleevents?
- The Comp.Sys.Mac.Programmer Digest is moderated by Francois Pottier
- (pottier@clipper.ens.fr).
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/csmp/csmp-v3-061.txt; 217K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 13:51:40 EDT
- From: bmunday@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil
- Subject: [*] Disinfectant: A Toast (Summary)
- This is a complete summary of the 95 messages I received
- in response to my request for messages thanking John Norstad and all the
- other folks who have helped with Disinfectant over the years. Thanks to
- everyone who wrote; John sent me his thanks for the mailing, which I pass
- on to all of you.
- Please, no more mail to me; if you would like to add your thanks, go
- ahead and tell John Norstad yourself. Thanks.
- --Brandon Munday
- [Archived as /info-mac/vir/a-toast-to-disinfectant.txt; 48K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 20:48:14 +0800
- From: Andy Dent <dent@iinet.com.au>
- Subject: [*] Excel Object Nudger; fine access to Excel object positions
- Object Nudger is an Excel add-in which lets you nudge graphic
- objects 1 or 5 pixels, using the arrow keys. It adds an entry
- to your Format menu to turn Nudging on and off.
- Instructions enclosed including shareware payment details.
- Andy Dent, A.D. Software, Western Australia
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/excel-object-nudger.hqx; 7K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 17:02:06 -0700
- From: robd@farallon.com (Rob Dewhirst)
- Subject: [*] Glider Pro Demo 1.0.1, a game
- This is an update to the Glider Pro Demo 1.0.0 currently in the archives.
- This replaces that file.
- This is the demo version of Glider PRO from Casady & Greene. This demo
- gives you a small house to play through and is fully functional. It does
- not allow you to create new houses, edit houses or play any other Glider
- PRO houses (just the included house).
- Glider PRO is a souped-up version of Glider 4.0 released by Casady & Greene
- back in 1991. It will support any size monitor, filling it with more of
- the house. You can play two player games (a good deal of fun). Also new:
- you can fly out of the house, across fields, over rooftops, through the
- sky, underground. There are over 100 objects, more backgrounds, background
- music 256 color support, Power PC native on Power PC machines, etc., etc.
- If you're completely unfamiliar with the Glider games, it goes like this:
- You are piloting a small paper airplane through a large house (or houses).
- You must avoid colliding with many objects as you glide across rooms -
- seeking floor vents and ducst that give your glider lift. The rooms get
- more challenging and puzzling ,as you go along. Glider is easy to control
- (two keys for the most part) and is non-violent. As many females and
- adults are attracted to this game as males and kids. How else to end this
- paragraph but with, "Great for the whole family."
- Have fun!
- (1.0.1 Fixed a problem experienced only on PowerMacs with the HPV card.)
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/glider-pro-101-demo.hqx; 1912K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 14:22:13 -0600
- From: Ralph Sutherland <ralph@zwicky.Colorado.EDU>
- Subject: [*] Graf 2.1.1; a freeware scientific plotting program
- I am sorry but I had to make a very important change
- to Graf 2.1.0 - to fix a crashing bug that slipped into the final build.
- Please delete any previous versions of Graf, inprticular v2.1.0 and
- v1.4.3 which were the previous general releases. The Following
- is Graf 2.1.1 which is fixed (hopefully). I apologise for the
- wasted bandwidth :-(
- Graf is a freeware scientific plotting program whose original
- development was with help from the AUDF in Australia. It allows you
- to plot free form data files (as TEXT files) from many sources including
- files with LF characters from mainframes. It knows about FORTRAN
- double precision 'd' exponent notation as well. It can open as many
- data files as memory allows and they can have as many data points
- as you have memory for as well. The interpreter is general, but the
- interface currently limits you to 99 columns.
- Data columns are defined by any non-numerical characters and
- and line not starting with a number is ignored, so many raw output
- files can be plotted straight away without modification.
- Graf 2 introduces simple statistical analysis, polynomial regression
- as well as linear and cubic spline interpolation.
- Graf has publish and subscribe, is system 7 friendly and is
- 32 bit clean.
- Best of all Graf 2 comes with some examples on how it works
- including a data file of a map of Australia to demonstrate the
- parametric nature of the plotter.
- It is free to any who want to use it - but it is given 'as is',
- I am likely to take another 18 months to update it :-)
- Graf 2 should work on all macs from a mac plus up, but it
- this version has only been tested on 68020 machines and higher.
- Cheers
- Ralph Sutherland Boulder, Sept. '94
- email: ralph@zwicky.colorado.edu
- ralph@madras.anu.edu.au
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/graf-211.hqx; 305K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 19:40:11 -0600
- From: parkj@rainbow.rmii.com (John R. Park)
- Subject: [*] Homer 0.93.4; an IRC client
- New things in 0.93.4:
- * It's compatible with 68000-based machines again. Woo woo.
- * The default window size is no longer larger than a 9" display.
- You may have to delete your old preferences file to get normal
- sized windows back.
- * The clock text is now green instead of red, for the benefit of
- colorblind users.
- * The Dumb Terminal in the serial version won't die when there's
- more than 32K of text.
- * Fixed a little cosmetic bug in the NICK box.
- * Fixed a problem with certain garbage lines showing up at
- startup time.
- * TCP users with SLIP lines which disconnect while Homer is running
- can now quit Homer without freezing. Use cmd-Q to quit, then
- after pressing the Okay button, hit cmd-. to exit.
- * There's some new speech options. Look in the Sound Options...
- dialog box to see what they are. THESE ARE UNTESTED.
- * Your /away message is now saved.
- * The clock has a new mode, called "Idle." This displays the
- amount of time since the last line of text was sent to the given
- window.
- * The default memory partition has been increased to decrease the
- number of memory-related bugs when using the Speech Manager.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/homer-0934.hqx; 1148K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 1 Oct 1994 12:08:22 -0400
- From: Alex Metcalf <alex@metcalf.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: [*] Inflate XCMD v1.2; balloon help for HyperCard
- The Inflate XCMD lets you easily add balloon help to all of your
- HyperCard stacks. Help balloons can be added to buttons, fields, areas
- of a card, and more.
- Simple commands make using Inflate easy: just one line in a
- button's script lets you add a help balloon. Any (unlikely) errors are
- returned in easily understood sentences.
- Advanced users have complete control over the help balloon, such
- as position of display, and balloon tip offset. In addition, a number of
- different balloon contents can be used: PICT resources, TEXT resources,
- and string resources.
- Version 1.2 is a complete re-write of the Inflate code, yielding
- improved performance and efficient code. Advanced users can now use
- short commands for Inflate (such as "STR " for "Single string resource").
- Also, the error handling has been vastly improved to make error checking
- much easier. Finally, a few small bugs have been fixed.
- Inflate is shareware; for more information on paying the small
- shareware fee, please see the stack. Commercial users should contact me
- for more information.
- Alex Metcalf
- alex@metcalf.demon.co.uk
- [Archived as /info-mac/card/inflate-12-xcmd.hqx; 34K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 20:25:18 +1000 (EST)
- From: Victor Tan <victort@extro.ucc.su.OZ.AU>
- Subject: [*] Jigsaw v1.0 (a Jigsaw puzzle game)
- Hello everyone,
- this is the first release of Jigsaw - an electronic Jigsaw puzzle
- program for the Macintosh.
- Jigsaw requires System 7.0 or later. It should work on any Macintosh
- model including older black and white models but this has not been
- extensively tested - let me know if it doesn't work.
- Jigsaw can open pictures in the following formats: PICT, JPEG/JFIF,
- GIF, startup screens, and MacPaint.
- Jigsaw can take advantage of QuickTime and the Drag Manager if they are
- installed. QuickTime is required for JPEG pictures to be displayed.
- Jigsaw is released as shareware. You are allowed to try out this
- software for 4 (four) weeks. After this time, you should register it
- if you decide to keep it.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/jigsaw-10.hqx; 333K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 1 Oct 1994 12:32:22 +0100
- From: JasonTownsend@mail.utexas.edu (Jason Townsend)
- Subject: [*] JSokoban 1.0b10; a game
- JSokoban is a freeware port of the classic "Sokoban" game (like
- MacSokoban), where you have to push the money bags to their destination
- postitions one at a time to solve each level. JSokoban is now in late beta
- and will be released as a final product within a month or two. It has
- multiple undo, awesome color/B&W/grayscale graphics and sounds, and runs
- under System 6.0.7 and up.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/j-sokoban-10b10.hqx; 91K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 22:44:54 -0400 (EDT)
- From: f8dy@netaxs.com
- Subject: [*] Kant Generator 0.4 beta; generates philosophy :)
- Kant Generator 0.4 beta is a completely pointless program which generates
- text that vaguely resembles Immanuel Kant's _Critique of Pure Reason_.
- Anyone who has been subjected to Kant, voluntarily or otherwise, will
- appreciate the humor in this.
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/kant-generator-04.hqx; 96K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 22:45:38 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Backup Moderator <backmod>
- Subject: [*] Kant Generator 0.4 beta source code
- Kant Generator 0.4 beta is a completely pointless program which generates
- text that vaguely resembles Immanuel Kant's _Critique of Pure Reason_.
- Anyone who has been subjected to Kant, voluntarily or otherwise, will
- appreciate the humor in this.
- This archive contains the complete Metrowerks DR/4 project and resource
- files.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/kant-generator-04-c.hqx; 175K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 94 16:36:59 EDT
- From: bruce grubb <72130.3557@compuserve.com>
- Subject: [*] Mac & IBM compare-Version 1.9.7
- Archive name: mac-ibm-compare197.txt
- category: general information, text
- This is version 1.9.7 of this report & should replace mac-ibm-compare196.txt.
- Changes: Power Macintosh info updated
- Due to the rapid changes in computers I am interested in contributions from
- Digest and other readers to flesh out, correct, or point out confusing parts
- in the report. Send comments and information to CompuServe: 72130,3557; AOL:
- BruceG6069; or Internet: BruceG6069@aol.com. Keep it short because e-mail
- limit on these sites is _much_ smaller than my sheet.
- This report compares the Mac and IBM machines CPUs, hardware {monitor support
- and expansion}, operating systems {includes number crunching}, networking &
- printing; it covers not only present hardware/software statistics and features
- but also future possibilities.
- Despite its condensed and generalized format it still provides some thought-
- provoking reading on the relative merits, problems, and deficiencies of Macs
- and IBM PCs. It also contains some FAQ answers about both machines and the
- upcoming PowerPC line.
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/mac-ibm-compare-197.txt; 55K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 94 16:32:45 EDT
- From: bruce grubb <72130.3557@compuserve.com>
- Subject: [*] mac.ftp.list Version 3.9.0
- Archive name: mac-ftp-list390.txt
- category: communication, text
- This is a update {Oct 1,1994} to Mike Gleason's ftp list {He gave me permision
- to continue it}. It lists a good number of mac anonymous ftp sites with notes
- on some and a little blurb on how to use anonymous ftp. Must be in Monaco 9
- {or PC equivalent} to be readable.
- This is the latest {Oct 1,1994} version this report and should replace the
- previous version of mac-ftp-list.txt.
- Changes: spider.navsses.navy.mil moved to 'These Mac sites no longer exist
- or have major problems' section;
- Added sites: suniams1.statistik.tu-muenchen.de; ftp.rasterops.com;
- ftp.utexas.edu;
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/mac-ftp-list-390.txt; 39K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 13:46:01 +0800
- From: Giulio Zambon <giulio@yarrow.wt.uwa.edu.au>
- Subject: [*] MacDOS 2.0.0 demo; a command line interface
- MacDOS provides a Command Line Interface for the Mac OS. It supports
- wildcards, file filtering, and batches; operates on files and folders;
- launches and kills applications and the Finder; is fully AppleScriptable.
- Beside 36 standard DOS commands, MacDOS supports many Mac-specific
- additional commands. MacDOS is also extendable with pipable filter
- applications. Registration entitles you to support via E-mail.
- Thanks for your work at UMich. Please contact me if there are any problems.
- Ciao, Giulio.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/mac-dos-200-demo.hqx; 577K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 00:38:47 -0400
- From: colin@resunix.ri.sickkids.on.ca (Colin Foster)
- Subject: [*] Mad Angels & Amphetamines; a collection of poetry and prose
- This is an electronic preview of "Mad Angels and Amphetamines",
- a collection of poetry and prose by Canadian writers. The
- software will run on any Macintosh using either System 6 or
- System 7, and requires at least 1 megabyte of memory.
- The software is free, but copyright 1994 Carrington Vanston,
- and the literature is copyright, each of the individual authors.
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/mad-angels-and-amphetamines.hqx; 411K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 20:42:53 -0400
- From: Alex Metcalf <alex@metcalf.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: [*] Maniac 2.1; an arcade game
- Best Before Yesterday proudly announces Maniac 2.1, an arcade
- game attaining a revolutionary new level of Macintosh arcade excitement
- and playability! A combination and expansion of the classic games of
- pac man and hangman provides a frantic race against the clock.
- NEW with version 2.1:
- - Three lives! And chances for more...
- - Frantic bonus levels to gain extra points and lives
- - More levels, sounds, and loads more music!
- - Support for MOD, MED, Okalyzer, and OctaMED music files (32 channels!)
- - 16-Bit CD Quality music support
- - New AudioManiac sound system code: improved multi-channel sound
- - Dozens of interface and game improvements
- - A few bug fixes
- Maniac already featured:
- - Original Maniac soundtrack
- - Multi-channel original sound effects
- - Over 20 minutes of non-repeating game music in stereo surround sound
- - Smooth, flicker-free animation in 256 colours
- - Customisable background music by simply dropping MOD music files
- into the Maniac Game Music folder
- Alex Metcalf
- alex@metcalf.demon.co.uk
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/maniac-21.hqx; 1489K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 16:55:59 -0800
- From: felciano@camis.stanford.edu (Ramon M. Felciano)
- Subject: [*] Mercutio MDEF 1.2b20 Public Beta
- This is a public beta release of my Mercutio MDEF.
- Ramon Felciano
- Digital Alchemy
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/mercutio-mdef-12b20.hqx; 604K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 14:55:37 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Brian Yamanaka <yamanaka@crl.com>
- Subject: [*] Mikan Demo Software; for japanese electronic books
- To whom it may concern:
- This is a demonstration version of Mikan from Sentius. Could you please
- post it to the corresponding directory.
- Mikan is a commercial product that allows higher-level students of
- Japanese to read complex texts in an electronic book format. It runs on
- Macs with System 7.1 and the Japanese Language Kit or Kanjitalk 7 users.
- This demo version allows the users to preview one of the books that comes
- as part of the Mikan package.
- Brian Yamanaka <yamanaka@crl.com>
- Sentius
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/mikan-demo.hqx; 267K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 22:35:58 -0700
- From: mikew@apple.com (Mike Wiese)
- Subject: [*] Mount'em 1.0b2; mounts disk images
- enclosed is Mount'em 1.0b2, a little drag and drop app for mounting disk images
- you can mount as many as you like, and the disk image files can reside on
- an AppleShare server, no need to copy them to a local disk!
- Revision History
- * 1.0b2
- Fixed bug in growing the unit table where I was writing past the end of a
- data structure. Fortunately, growing the unit table is rarely required - at
- least no one reported this problem.
- Englinsh translation: don't use 1.0b1!
- mike wiese
- MacOS Filesystems Engineer
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/mount-em-10b2.hqx; 13K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 19:52:25 -0400
- From: Alex Metcalf <alex@metcalf.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: [*] MusicBox XCMD v.3.0 for SuperCard
- Best Before Yesterday is proud to announce a SuperCard version
- of the MusicBox XCMD, a professional audio enhancement already popular
- with many HyperCard users.
- MusicBox lets you play up to four sounds simultaneously in any
- SuperCard project, with individual control over each sound. In addition,
- you can stop, pause, fade, and pan (across the stereo spectrum) sounds
- with simple yet powerful commands. Sounds can also be played from disk
- to save memory.
- MusicBox also lets you play a number of different sound and
- music file formats, including System 7 sounds, MOD music files (in
- stereo surround if desired), and AIFF files.
- The MusicBox project contains full documentation on use, as well
- as example scripts, demonstrations of MusicBox in action, and an easy
- install feature for installing MusicBox in your own projects.
- MusicBox is shareware; for more information please see the
- project. Please support my efforts! A small price to pay for work I've
- put in to make MusicBox possible.
- For more information, please contact:
- Alex Metcalf
- alex@metcalf.demon.co.uk
- [Archived as /info-mac/card/music-box-30-xcmd-sc.hqx; 366K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 10:42:30 -0400
- From: Mark Smith <mcs@umich.edu>
- Subject: [*] new maX.500 2.0.2; an Internet X.500 Online Directory client
- Here's a new release of the maX.500 Internet X.500 Online Directory
- client. Please add it to your archive(s). Thanks.
- -Mark Smith
- University of Michigan X.500 Directory Project
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/max500-202.hqx; 428K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 23:15:18 -0700
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: [*] NovaTerm 3.11; client interface for NovaTerm BBSs
- This is NovaTerm 3.11, the latest graphical client interface for NovaTerm
- Professional BBSs. NovaTerm works over modems, networks, and the Internet
- (requires MacTCP for that last one).
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/bbs/nova-term-311.hqx; 502K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 06:54:25 -0700 (PDT)
- From: John Jensen <jjensen@kaiwan.com>
- Subject: [*] nShell(tm) Mega Source v1.0.3
- Source code is provided for: ask, battery, beep, cat, chattr, cp, date,
- delay, df, echo, eq, fss, gestalt, hello, launch, ls, man, mem, mkdir,
- mv, notify, odoc, ps, read, rm, shift, wc, and yesno.
- With version 1.0.3, these files have been modified to build with either
- the Think C or the CodeWarrior development environments.
- It is assumed that you have downloaded and installed the nShell
- application and its Programmer's Guide. These packages are available
- >From a number of on-line sources.
- The nShell is a traditional scripting environment for the Apple
- Macintosh. The shell is available in two forms. A light version, called
- nShell(tm), is freely distributable for non-commercial purposes. A
- second version, called nShell-Pro(tm), is available as a commercial
- product. Our goal is to make the shell environment available to as many
- users as possible, while providing serious users with the support and
- reliability of a full commercial product.
- Contact: John Jensen
- EMail: jjensen@kaiwan.com, jjens@eworld.com, or jjensen@aol.com
- Mail: Newport Software Development, P.O. Box 1485, Newport Beach, CA 92659
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/mega-source-103-nshell.hqx; 211K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 04:49:15 -0700 (PDT)
- From: John Jensen <jjensen@kaiwan.com>
- Subject: [*] nShell(tm) v1.0.3; a programming environment
- Version 1.0.3 of the nShell(tm) adds a drag and drop engine. This engine
- allows nShell(tm) scripts to be easily converted into stand alone drag
- and drop applications.
- How easily? Drag a copy of the "nShell(tm) droplet" template onto
- BBEdit. Type in your script and close the file. You're done.
- This package also corrects a few problems found in earlier releases.
- A free upgrade to v1.0.3 of nShell-Pro is available to owners of earlier
- versions.
- The nShell(tm) is a traditional scripting environment for the Apple
- Contact: John Jensen
- EMail: jjensen@kaiwan.com, jjens@eworld.com, or jjensen@aol.com
- Mail: Newport Software Development, P.O. Box 1485, Newport Beach, CA 92659
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/n-shell-103.hqx; 256K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 16:39:40 -0500
- From: dms@crasun.cra.com (Diane Simpson)
- Subject: [*] Open Sesame! 1.1.1 Demo; desktop taks automation
- Open Sesame! Version 1.1.1 is the first desktop assistant that increases
- productivity by actually learning to automate your routine tasks. It sits
- on your desktop observing your actions from the background. When it finds
- a repetitive pattern, it offers to automate it for you. Open Sesame!
- eliminates mundane time-consuming tasks so that every minute you spend at
- your computer is productive.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/open-sesame-111-demo.hqx; 949K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 19:58:35 -0800
- From: mspace@netcom.com (Brian Hall)
- Subject: [*] PageNOW! Demo 0.9.1 - Send messages from Mac to alpha pagers
- For Mac users with text pagers
- Never miss personal messages, e-mail, voice mail, faxes & appointments
- again! Now your messages reach you anytime, anywhere, in your car, on a
- business trip, around the clock, around the world: Introducing PageNOW!
- ($79.95 SRP), a new software that sends personal messages from any
- Macintosh to alphanumeric pagers or Newton PDAs with MessageCard.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/page-now-091-demo.hqx; 1051K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 09:39:13 EDT
- From: OtterSol@aol.com
- Subject: [*] Photo Fits Photoshop plug-in
- Photo Fits is an Adobe Photoshopx plug-in which allows import of FITS files.
- Photo Fits can read byte, integer, longint, real, and double fits files.
- Photo
- Fits can not read fits files with extensions nor can it read 1D files. Photo
- Fits only looks at the image or images pointed to by the first fits header.
- Photo Fits can be freely distributed so long as it is not modified in any way
- and
- this read me file is distributed with Photo Fits.
- I know that Photo Fits can not read all fits files and I am working on it.
- Photo
- Fits is not finished and if you find a fits file which doesn't work DO NOT
- email
- it to me, a short note will be good and a ftp site where I can download it.
- Thanks for your understanding.
- Hope you like it.
- Doug Norton
- Otter Solution
- 10 Limekiln Road
- Whitesboro, NY 13492-2338
- ottersol@aol.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/photoshop-photo-fits.hqx; 17K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 16:40:24 --100
- From: pka@swiatowit.ii.uni.wroc.pl (Przemyslawa Kanarek)
- Subject: [*] Polish language lessons
- Polish4everyone is a preliminary part of a bigger project. The aim of the
- project is to give an interactive tool for learning Polish language and
- obtaining information about Poland. This program has been designed to give you
- some idea how the Polish language looks like. The program contains about 70
- words, several elementary phrases and some very basic grammar information.
- Jacek Iwanski
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/polish-for-everyone.hqx; 2667K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 1 Oct 1994 12:09:36 -0500
- From: kidd@rockvax.ROCKEFELLER.EDU (Simon Kidd)
- Subject: [*] Popup Folder 1.5 demo; hierarchical menus for the Apple menu
- This is a DEMO version of PopupFolder 1.5. PUF gives hierarchical menues in
- the Apple menu, the finder ("spring loaded folders" and the title in the
- title bar), and applications open and save dialog boxes. One can optionally
- show icons in the menus and it also supports drag and drop. The demo
- version has an annoying dialog at startup and will disable itself after a
- month.
- Iam not affiliated with the manufacturer, just a happy user.
- Simon
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/popup-folder-15-demo.hqx; 131K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 14:38:16 -0500
- From: tonio@jolt.mpx.com.au (Tonio Loewald)
- Subject: [*] Prince of Destruction 1.0.1; an arcade-style game
- Complete 1.0.1 Release
- This is a game with the action of gauntlet, the depth of Ultima. Real
- time, 16/256 colour graphics, network play with registration.
- Save game, progress beyond level 5, 60 minute timeout, and completion
- disabled until you register.
- Fee is US$25 for single-player; US$40 4-player net license.
- (Good faith equivalents in local currencies are acceptable.)
- This version addresses all confirmable bugs as of 23/9/94, including
- "starmetal dart", multiple monitors, Powerbook users, and omissions from
- the documentation.
- Contact: tonio@mpx.com.au
- Thanks,
- Tonio
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/prince-of-destruction-101.hqx; 2574K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 10:15:36 -0400 (EDT)
- From: chemalyr@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Chemaly Rene)
- Subject: [*] Pro Predictor Week#4 Update; NFL data file
- Week #4 update of the PRO1994 file to be used with Pro Predictor 2.6S or 2.6R.
- Includes early injury reports, score updates, yardage updates, early lines.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/pro/pro-predictor-94-04.hqx; 12K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 08:09:54 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Andrew Sinclair-Day <sinclair@pcnet.com>
- Subject: [*] Quadra 630 Review
- Andrew Sinclair-Day | The Rock Garden | Between the brain that plans
- Sinclair@PCNET.COM | 982 State Street | and the hand that builds,
- AndrewSD@EWORLD.COM | New Haven, CT. 06511 | there must be a mediator.
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/quadra630-review.txt; 11K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 00:35:05 +0200
- From: yair@erez.cc.biu.ac.il (Yair Elharrar)
- Subject: [*] RSRC Search 1.0 (still beta); searches resource forks
- Finds text strings in the resource forks of your files. Very handy for
- programmers, hackers, power users etc. Just drag and drop a bunch of files on
- RSRC Search to search them all for the same string, entered in ASCII or Hex.
- After finding the string, RSRC Search will display the filename, the resource
- type and ID, and offset in the resource.
- Note: When looking for hex strings, enter the hex string in hex-digit pairs
- without any spaces or anything that's not hex digits. There's absolutely no
- check of any kind for validity of the string so RSRC Search will find for
- garbage.
- This is a beta version. Please try it out and let me know what you think.
- Bug reports are more than welcome.
- E-mail: yair@erez.cc.biu.ac.il
- Standard disclaimer applies, i.e. use at your own risk and distribute freely.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/rsrc-search-10b.hqx; 9K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 19:25:23 -0500
- From: David Darby <ddarby@bih.harvard.edu>
- Subject: [*] SchoolStat 2.0.4; performs basic statistics
- Welcome to SchoolStat!
- This application is designed to perform basic statistics in a very user
- friendly way! It contains spreadsheet, graphing and results windows, and
- offers descriptive statistics, mode, confidence intervals, 2 sample paired
- (sign, Wilcoxon matched pairs signed ranks, Student's t tests), and
- independent (Mann Whitney, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, independent t-test), and
- ANOVA tests (Kruskal-Wallis, F tests), and contingency table analyses.
- There are data transformation, sorting and calculator functions. The Active
- Tables are unique and let you determine probabilities easily and with a
- graphical representation of the actual probability distribution that you
- specify! Normal statistical tables are also included. It is an ideal
- teaching and personal statistics tool able to work on 1000 rows and 30
- columns. There is on-line help and much more! Note many bugs in earlier
- versions have now been fixed, so there is no reason not to try this
- version!
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/school-stat-204.hqx; 552K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 16:48:10 EDT
- From: chou@apollo.hp.com (Dave Chou)
- Subject: [*] Seinfeld dialog; sounds from the show
- Here are three .sea files containing 8-bit sound
- files from one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes.
- Submitted just for the fun of it,
- Dave
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/seinfeld-grp1.hqx; 1390K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/seinfeld-grp2.hqx; 1245K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/seinfeld-grp3.hqx; 1189K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 09:16:39 -0800
- From: franke1@popcorn.llnl.gov (Norman Franke, III)
- Subject: [*] SoundApp 1.3; sound playing and conversion program
- Enclosed you will find SoundApp 1.3, the latest version of my freeware
- sound playing and conversion program. SoundApp can be used with Mosaic for
- sound playing. It can play and convert the following sound formats:
- SoundCap (including Huffman compressed files),
- SoundEdit (including stereo files),
- AIFF and AIFF-C,
- System 7 Sound,
- Sun Audio (AU) (including u-law, a-law, G.721 and G.723),
- NeXT .snd,
- Windows WAVE (including MS ADPCM compressed),
- Sound Blaster VOC,
- Amiga MOD (and various others),
- Amiga IFF (8SVX) (including compressed files),
- Sound Designer II,
- Instruments files (Super Studio Session, including compressed),
- DVI ADPCM, and
- any 'snd' resource.
- SoundApp supports conversion to the following sound formats: System 7,
- Sound suitcase, WAVE, AIFF/AIFF-C, and NeXT. It can also convert QuickTime
- movies and Audio CD tracks if QuickTime 1.6 or later is installed.
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/sound-app-13.hqx; 176K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 09:49:56 -0500
- From: rgray@ccs.carleton.ca (Robert Gray)
- Subject: [*] Stop Press!!! replacement MacSense11
- The Editor has submitted this **REPLACEMENT** for the recently submitted
- MacSense11, due to late discovery of error.
- >From the ReadMe:
- MacSense Issue #11, October 1994.
- MacSense is a new electronic magazine (based in Canada) which seeks to
- provide interesting and insightful Macintosh information to an
- international market.
- The attached file is a Stuffit archive. You will need Stuffit Expander or
- other another Stuffit compression utility to extract it.
- MacSense requires a Macintosh with a 640-pixel wide display and at least 16
- shades of grey. For optimal viewing, we recommend 16-bit color.
- NEWS: Apple Unveils New OS Identity, Apple Reveals OS Licensing Intentions,
- eWorld Debuts in Canada.
- QUICKBITS: System 7.5 ships, Adobe Pagemaker competitive upgrade, Norton
- Utilities 3.0 Speed Disk bug, and more.
- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: At long last, we begin a letters column!
- FEATURE: Hands On: System 7.5, Part I.
- THE DILETTANTE: A new periodic column by MacSense staffer Renzo Piche.
- REVIEWS: After Dark 3.0, Microsoft BookShelf, KTP Bryce, Rebel Assault.
- Sorry for **ANY** inconvenience to anyone. Our heads are bowed in shame...
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/macs/mac-sense-11.hqx; 308K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 14:03:36 PDT
- From: jafl@Alice.Wonderland.Caltech.EDU (John Lindal)
- Subject: [*] Tester 3.00; a test editor
- Tester 3.00 Complete test editor. Type in the questions,
- add pictures where necessary, then print multiple copies
- of the test, with each copy having a different question
- ordering, and with an answer key for each copy.
- You can even practice taking the tests.
- Now Tester has full support for analyzing the results of practice session
- results. Is anyone interested in connecting to a Scantron machine to
- analyze the data from real tests? According to Scantron, Tester could do it.
- John Lindal
- jafl@alice.wonderland.caltech.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/tester-300.hqx; 270K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 17:18:26 PDT
- From: (Harry Hahn) <hhahn@macc.wisc.edu>
- Subject: [*] text-editor-faq; about Mac text editors
- Attached is a mini-FAQ on the variety of freeware and shareware text
- editors available for the Macintosh. Most (if not all) of the text editors
- found in the /text direcory are described, as well as a couple that are
- not. Features and characteristics such as the ability to open files >32K
- and soft wrap text are discussed.
- -Harry Hahn
- hhahn@macc.wisc.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/sft/text-editor-faq.hqx; 7K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 08:50:25 -1000
- From: billm@maui.com (William Modesitt)
- Subject: [*] TimeTracker 2.1.8; keeps track of the time you work
- Do you work or charge by the hour? If so, you'll love TimeTracker.
- TimeTracker is a simple $25 time-tracking application for recording time
- tasks on the Macintosh.
- TimeTracker is useful for consultants, programmers, attorneys, printers, or
- anyone who bills for time, or just wants a simple solution for keeping
- track of time events.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/time-tracker-218-demo.hqx; 336K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 1 Oct 1994 12:40:07 -0700 (MST)
- From: Jacob Weber <rweber@GAS.UUG.Arizona.EDU>
- Subject: [*] UltraDice 1.1.3; a Yahtzee-type game
- This is UltraDice, a computer version of the classic poker
- dice game Yacht (or Yahtzee), with colored dice and sound
- effects. Shareware: $15.
- NOTE: This game was formerly called UltraYahtzee.
- Jacob Weber
- Internet: rweber@gas.uug.arizona.edu
- CompuServe: 72303,3540
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/ultra-dice-113.hqx; 129K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 12:30:37 -0500
- From: mheiman@carleton.edu (Mark F. Heiman, Information Coordinator)
- Subject: [*] Village Font (correction)
- I discovered this morning that there was a problem with the Village font
- file I submitted yesterday. The bitmap fonts had become disassociated from
- the Postscript file. I've corrected the problem and am resubmitting the
- file. Please make the replacement. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Original blurb:
- This font was designed to closely resemble that used in the cult TV classic
- "The Prisoner," created by and starring Patrick McGoohan. The letterforms
- are mostly based on the "Albertus" typeface, with a few exceptions and
- special characters.
- Village is freeware -- it may be used and distributed with no obligation.
- This archive contains both TrueType and Postscript versions.
- [Archived as /info-mac/font/village.hqx; 116K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 1 Oct 1994 12:24:49 -0400
- From: Alex Metcalf <alex@metcalf.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: [*] Vocalise XCMD v1.0.2; speech for HyperCard
- Vocalise is an XCMD which takes of advantage of Apple's speech
- software to provide high quality speech for your HyperCard stacks.
- Using commands such as "speak faster" and "are you speaking?",
- Vocalise gives you control over many of the speech features, letting you:
- o Speak text in any available voice
- o Pause speech:
- - Immediately
- - At the end of the word
- - At the end of the sentence
- o Change the speaking pitch and speed
- o Get a list of available voices
- o and more...
- Version 1.0.2 introduces a number of changes to the stack, and
- has improved information on which files are needed for Vocalise and why.
- In addition, Vocalise now only requires System 6.0.7 or later. Happy 1.0
- or 1.0.1 users may not want to upgrade, since there are no big changes.
- Vocalise is FREE for use in any number of free, public domain, or
- shareware stacks. Commercial users should contact me for more information.
- Alex Metcalf
- alex@metcalf.demon.co.uk
- [Archived as /info-mac/card/vocalize-102-xcmd.hqx; 31K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 15:38:48 -0800
- From: rowland@teleport.com (Rowland Smith)
- Subject: [*] WebMap; for layout of HTML pages
- WebMap is an application for laying out the "rect", "circle", and "poly"
- elements for an html image map, for use with World Widw Web software.
- rds
- [Archived as /info-mac/text/web-map-10.hqx; 171K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 17:32:03 -0700
- From: Bill Dugan <interpla@orion.oac.uci.edu>
- Subject: [*] wolfenstein-threed-encounter1; a game
- Wolfenstein 3D: First Encounter is the shareware version of
- MacPlay's "Wolfenstein 3D" game. It contains three levels of
- the game. When you pay your $15 shareware fee, we'll mail you
- "Wolfenstein 3D: Second Encounter," which is the full 30-level
- version.
- Wolfenstein 3D: First Encounter works with any color Macintosh
- with 2200K free memory and System 6.0.7 or later. A 25MHz 030
- or faster (e.g. a Mac IIci or LC III-class Mac) is recommended.
- System 7 or later is also recommended, and so is a lot of RAM.
- For all game functions to be enabled, you'll need 6000K free
- memory.
- Wolfenstein 3D: First Encounter (as well as the full product,
- of course) is a "fat binary" and will run native if you play it
- on a Power Macintosh computer.
- Have fun!
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/wolfenstein-threed-encounter1.hqx; 1865K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 14:46:05 +0100
- From: Wayne Walrath <walrathw@RFERL.ORG>
- Subject: [*] ZipQuest Pro Demo; a zip code directory
- File contains demonstration database for ZipQuest Pro. ZipQuest Pro is
- a database of US 5 Digit ZIP Codes. Data available includes: ZIP
- Code, State, City Name, Area Code, County, Time Zone, Latitude and
- Longitude. Set a "Home" reference, and all lookups show exact local
- time, and distance in miles from "home." AppleEvent, and AppleScript
- support allows data integration with 4th DIMENSION, FileMaker Pro,
- ACT!, TouchBase Pro and more! Just type in ZIP Code and watch the
- correct data automatically fill into your City, State, and Phone
- number fields. Increases productivity, reduces costly errors in your
- address and mailing lists. Examples for linking to third party
- packages included.
- Montage Software Systems, Inc.
- 71521.34@Compuserve.Com
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/zip-quest-pro-demo.hqx; 328K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Sep 94 02:13:23 GMT
- From: rmaynard@sfu.ca (Robert Maynard)
- Subject: "Sector Collector
- I'm looking for some software called "Sector Collector". Does anyone know
- where it can be found? I'm not sure if it's shareware/freeware or commercial.
- Thanks in advance.
- Rob Maynard
- rmaynard@sfu.ca
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 01:12 EST
- From: RSOHMER@vax.clarku.edu
- Subject: (Q) MS Works Unexpectedly quits
- Try holding Shift-Option-Command keys immediately after opening the prog.
- (I had a similar problem using Excel 2.2 on a Powerbook and Microsoft deigned
- to cd
- to crumb me this crumb pardon bad typing! good luck
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 13:28:35 EDT
- From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <JFRITZ%WVNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: 840AV extension mayhem (R)
- Sean P.E. Takats <takats@minerva.cis.yale.edu> asked:
- SPET> During startup, the extension icons on my 840AV do not line up
- SPET> properly and overlap, making it difficult to see which extensions
- SPET> are loading. Not a major problem, but annoying. Anyway to fix
- SPET> this? Thanks.
- Now Utilities will force the extensions to line up nicely during
- boot.
- Jeffrey Fritz
- West Virginia University
- jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 1 Oct 1994 01:14:00 -0600
- From: tochmann@nyx10.cs.du.edu (timo ochmann)
- Subject: ===Need help with my modem ...===
- Ok, here is the my problem: I have 144e Prometheus (Hayes comp.)
- modem. All my terminal, connection settings are correct, yet I am
- only able to establish a connection at 1200 baud with a local site
- that actually runs at 9600 b. If I set my terminal at 9600 b and
- I get connected my screen shows only unreadable (randomly, no syntax)
- characters. A friend suggested I should set my modem to "uncom-
- pressed" with help of AT commands. First, I couldn't find this
- command under the command list. Secondly, I wasn't able to activate
- any of the other commands. I never got an OK prompt. So, here are my
- questions:
- - is there a way to uncompress with help of the window menu?, -why don't get my
- commands not activated? My modem programm is Communicate Lite.
- Sorry for the spelling, grammar I don't know how to edit in this mode.
- Thanks for your help
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1994 11:34:53 U
- From: "James Smart" <James.Smart@med.umich.edu>
- Subject: [Q] SE another frozen mouse
- Subject: Time:03:12 P
- OFFICE MEMO [Q] SE another frozen mouse Date:9/26/94
- I don't think that this is related to the SE30 with a mouse that would not
- move on the screen - but could still activate menus and buttons - but it
- is close. I have a SE (no hard drive) which works fine for about 25 mins.
- then freezes ( and usually the mouse disappears from the screen).
- Neither mouse nor keyboard are able to arose it from its snooze. Turning
- the computer off and on only gets a blank screen - and hitting the
- interupt button gives a sad mac error code of:
- nnnnnnnF
- nnnnnnnD
- This little glitch happens if an application is being run or the computer
- is just sitting there. After the computer has had about 10-15 mins to
- cool off it can be restarted again (for about 20 mins - when it again
- freezes). Since it is only running off of floppy's a hardware problem
- seems obvious - something heating up - but what?? Anybody have any ideas
- on this one??
- James.Smart@med.umich.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 08:09:22 -0600 (MDT)
- From: tappr@cuug.ab.ca (Rick Tapp)
- Subject: Alternative StyleWriter II Cartridge
- I was just told by my local computer stuff supplier tha
- "The Canon BJ Cartridge BC-01" will work in the StyleWriter II
- This would be good news since it's a couple of dollars less than
- the Apple cartridge.
- Does anyone know or has anyone tried it? I also wonder if I could
- use the "Clean Ink Cartridge" option. I don't know what the cartridge
- for the StyleWriter looks like. Is it physically the same?
- Thanks for any info
- tappr@cuug.ab.ca Rick Tapp, Calgary, Alberta
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 94 22:09:31 +0100
- From: Brian Gery Hilfsassistent bei "R." Siegwart SS94 <gery@ifr.mavt.ethz.ch>
- Subject: Any Ideas?
- Hello-
- I am looking for a program which utilizes the mac's Start Manager to
- increase the amount of time the mac waits for the boot volume to spin up
- before it gives you the sad mac. Do you know of such a beast?
- Thanks,
- Brian Gery
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 18:31:29 +0200
- From: mhaveri@sun3.oulu.fi (Matti Haveri)
- Subject: Best way to attach binaries in Eudora?
- Hello,
- What is the best _universal_ Eudora's attachment-option when attaching
- binaries (images, sounds etc) to Mac, DOS, Win and UNIX-users so that the
- attachment is easily usable to all of them?
- I guess AppleDouble is good cross-platform because it (to my knowledge)
- sends Mac's data- and resource-forks separately so that binaries come
- readable to PC-users and Mac-users get the file-types, too. The only
- drawback could be that the files are sent as binaries and the gateways
- could mess them up.
- In AppleSingle both forks are in a single file and they aren't usable to
- PC- or UNIX-users.
- In BinHex both forks are in a single text-file so it can travel through
- different gateways untouched. PC- or UNIX-users can decode this to a
- .bin-file and I guess there are utilities to expand this but this approach
- is cumbersome. (PC-Eudora can decode also BinHex.)
- In my experience it is not advisable to binhex binaries before sending but
- instead let Eudora binhex them when sending.
- What about that "Always as Mac-documents"-option - what is the meaning of it?
- Reply to the list or directly to me and I'll summarize.
- -Matti Haveri <mhaveri@cc.oulu.fi>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 18:04:36 -0500
- From: clefort@unix1.sncc.lsu.edu (Clinton R Lefort)
- Subject: Bol Processor
- Hello Mac-users,
- I am searching for a program by Bernard Bel, called Bol Processor. If anoyne
- out in cypersoace knows where it can be found please send ane-mail message to
- :\
- clefort@unix1.sncc.lsu.edu
- Thnaks in advance,
- Clint
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 94 13:40:39 EDT
- From: "Mark A. Saper" <saper@umich.edu>
- Subject: Bus error with Stickies
- Has anyone encountered a bus error trying to run Stickies? It seems to be
- conflicting with one of my extensions and I don't know where to start to locate
- it.
- Thanks, Mark Saper, U-Michgan, saper@umich.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 14:40:55 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Luis Muench <muench@solix.fiu.edu>
- Subject: Calendar Question
- Hello all:
- I am looking for a calendar that can display several people's
- schedules on the same day and can be networked. What we need is to have
- everyone know where/what everyone else is (doing). Basically its only 6
- people. Shareware/commercial is ok. We just need recommendations on the
- best product. Please email me directly: muench@solix.fiu.edu.
- --Luis
- <Modz: sorry bout da sig!!>
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1994 16:34:34 GMT
- From: huangj5@rpi.edu (Johnnie W. Huang)
- Subject: cheapest laswer printer with appletalk
- What is the cheapest laser printer that has the AppleTalk option
- built in? I bought a LaserWriter Select 300 a while ago, and I just
- found out that it's not AppleTalk friendly. That means I can't hook
- it up to my PC through LocalTalk network.
- Suggestions needed...
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 16:12:24 -0500
- From: sfkaplan@amherst.edu (Scott Kaplan)
- Subject: Common Ground (Wrap-up)
- Thanks to everyone who wrote to me with answers about Common Ground and its
- various competetors...Here's a quick summary of what I've been told:
- Common Ground is pretty good. Samples including the MacMosiac
- documentation and an info publication from Apple called (I think)
- "Information Alley". I looked at them, and they look very nice. Right
- now, Common Ground is probably the best choice for putting out something
- that needs to be cross-platform.
- As someone pointed out, DOCMaker would be better for a Mac-only
- distribution, as it has more features and the documents are more easily
- navigated. Unfortunately, what I'm putting out will need to be
- cross-platform, so this isn't an option.
- Adobe Acrobat 2.0 will be out some time soon, and its reader will be free.
- As someone commented, Adobe is a company with a good track record on
- document stuff, so this is something to watch for.
- The last good point was that some of these programs carry details on legal
- issues. Apparently Common Ground will let you distribute the reader for
- free only if the publication is totally non-commercial. Otherwise, they
- expect some royalties of some sort. It isn't known whether the same will
- be true of the new Acrobat.
- Since my publication will at least start out totally free, it seems as
- though Common Ground is my best answer. That may change with time, but
- I'll deal with that when it comes up. Thanks to everyone that answered!
- The information was very useful to solving my problem.
- Scott Kaplan
- sfkaplan@amherst.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 94 01:21:00 -0700
- Subject: Common Ground alternative.
- Scott:
- I was just at a World Wide Web seminar at Stanford and a guy from Adobe
- spoke about Acrobat. Basically, Acrobat is a competitor to Common ground in
- the "portable document format" wars. Adobe just announced that as of the end
- of this month the VIEWERS for Acrobat 2.0 will be FREE. You will still have to
- buy software to crate an Adobe PDF type file but you can be assured that the
- viewers can be distributed and that they will work on the big 3 platforms
- (windows, mac and unix).
- Adobe seems to know how to do display technology, otherwise they would not
- have had such a long run with PostScript. Personally I would check out what
- Adobe has to offer in your search.
- Michael Ottati
- "All my opinions are my opinions""
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 1 Oct 94 13:53:2 GMT
- From: L.Milani@agora.stm.it
- Subject: Dear friends,
- I've got a problem. I write articles and rewieves on "M" (acintosh)
- Magazine, the official Mac italian magazine, and I've to dash off something
- on new Apple Pb.150. Would You be so kind to give me some useful
- information 'bout this machine and, most of all, about the stunning novity
- of its IDE hard disk?
- Obviously, I'll mention Your precious help on the pages of the mag.:-)
- Thanks a lot,
- Luigi Milani, (l.milani@agora.stm.it)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 17:11 EST
- From: "Don't Panic!" <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
- Subject: Disinfectant 3.5 - is it the latest version?
- Dear fellow Mac users,
- Subject says it all. The last version I found at Sumex was 3.5. Besides a
- PowerPC update, which I don't need, has anything else more up to date come
- out?
- Thank you.
- Sincerely,
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 18:56:20 -0500 (CDT)
- From: "Traci J. Ingram" <tingram@services.dese.state.mo.us>
- Subject: DropText
- For What It Is Worth:
- When Norton Utils, Word 4.0x and about a dozen other "compatible" word
- processing programs (including the elephantine Word 6.0) crashed trying to
- open a corrupted Word 5.1a file, DropText came to the rescue. After the
- program gave a warning that there were some non-text characters present, I
- selected the "Strip High Bit From ASCII" (something like that) check box,
- and the resulting text file was readable and complete.
- "A good time was had by all," as they say.
- Traci J. Ingram
- tingram@services.dese.state.mo.us | or | 101-8673@MCIMail.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1994 15:03:21 -0600
- From: Stewart-CIC-IS <Stewart-CIC-IS@micmac.redstone.army.mil>
- Subject: Easter Egg in PlainTalk 1.3 (C)
- Found an easter egg in Plaintalk 1.3 today. If you ask "Computer, are there
- any easter eggs?" it will respond with "If there were any do you think I would
- tell you?"
- Are there any more we could look for?
- Marcus Stewart
- stewart-cic-is@redstone-emh2.army.mil
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 12:07:05 -0800
- From: kee@kagi.com (Kee Nethery +1 510 843 6140)
- Subject: email posting to newsgroup?
- How do I post to a newsgroup using email?
- Kee Nethery
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 09:39:31 -0500
- From: mixterhp@appstate.edu (H. Perry Mixter)
- Subject: Excel 4.0 & LW 8.1.1 Slowness
- I have noted that when printing out simple spreadsheets using Excel 4.0 and
- the Laserwriter 8.1.1mod driver on my LW Pro 630, that is takes upwards of
- several minutes to print out a page. When I go back to using the LW 7.1.2
- driver, pages are printed rapidly. Why is is the newer driver so slow, and
- is there anything I can do to speed it up? It's speed is fine when used by
- other programs.
- I am using a Centris 650, System 7.1, 8 mb Ram, RamDoubler +Loads of other
- inits. (Slowness also occurs when all inits are disabled at startup)
- Posted advice appreciated.
- H. Perry Mixter Internet: mixterhp@appstate.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 02 Oct 94 11:40:27 PDT
- From: INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Subject: Farallon PhoneNet -> Apple LocalTalk networks [R]
- Richard Lim <rlim@well.sf.ca.us> asked:
- > I have two LocalTalk networks in the office now, one consisting of
- > Apple LocalTalk connectors and cabling, the other with Farallon
- > PhoneNet connectors and ordinary phone wiring. It's now thought it
- > would be a good idea to hook the two networks up, probably using more
- > phone wire, but I don't know what sort of plug I should get (if one
- > exists) to connect that wire with an Apple LocalTalk connector.
- Try Focus Enhancements 800/538-8865
- Part Number 10-1010, DIN-3 to RJ-11 Cable $3.99
- Scott Coats
- Innovative Solutions
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 94 09:33:51 -0400
- From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu>
- Subject: Fast Internal Modems for LC and Up
- I'm considering buying an internal modem for my LC (yes, an LC, not an LCII,
- LCIII, or even an LC5xx, a plain old LC), but I want it to be something I
- can put into any other Mac I might buy down the line. I'm pretty sure that
- if I were to buy an LC/Performa 575 I could use the same modem card, but
- what about the new Performa635s?
- So my questions basically are:
- 1. Will the same modem card fit into both an LC family machine and the
- new Performa635 family machines?
- 2. What modem cards would you recommend (along with prices and sources)?
- Thanks for the info.
- Stay tuned for another question on a different topic.
- keg
- * kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu I've got plenty of opinions. Just ask my wife! *
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 02:40:10 +0100
- From: elebi@ccusc1.unical.it (Eleonora Bilotta)
- Subject: Gateway Definition on FC BBS
- I'm having a problem defining a gateway to another FC Server connected to the
- Internet. We want to use the CommToolBox / Outland TCP Tool , but we are not
- able to correctly define the Setup string.
- What the string should do ?
- Thanks
- luciano mallamaci
- P.S.
- please, if you e-mail messages to me, please specify "For Luciano Mallamaci"
- into the subject (this is userid used by the Lab of the University of
- Calabria".
- thank you
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 14:39:46 +0100 (BST)
- From: Sarah Goodey <sngoodey@gwent.ac.uk>
- Subject: gzip
- I have read your gzip instructions on how to use the gzip program...but
- unfortunately it doesn't help me when the programm decompresses only a
- certain amout. the gzip insists that an error was made in the
- compression..but i got my stuff from quartz.rutgers.edu, the uncompressed
- stuff came through fine..if you could shed any light into this matter i
- would much appreciate it.
- sarah goodey
- ps. i am not capable of any programming, however much i wish i was.
- thank you
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 10:41:15 -0600
- From: courcoul@itesmcq1.qro.itesm.mx (Juan M. Courcoul)
- Subject: HD on Mac -- kill password
- After I sent my request for help in removing the HD password on the student
- lab Mac, at 10:14 am 9/29/94 -0600, HENINGER@iomega.com replied:
- >Have you tried using Apple HD SC Setup to reformat the hard drive after you
- >boot from a floppy?
- There lies the problem. Apparently, the product that was clandestinely
- installed has patched the disk drivers, so that it demands the password
- before permitting any access to the disk. If we boot from floppy, using the
- Disk Tools floppy, it asks for the password before finishing startup: if we
- cancel the password request, it somehow disables the hard disk, so that it
- is unmountable, unrecognizable, essentially invisible. HD Setup cannot find
- any hard disk on the SCSI bus, and, thus, cannot reformat it.
- Thanks.
- Late breaking news: The folks on our Service Center have just informed me
- that they have succeeded in breaking the protection. After fiddling around
- with the jumpers on the drive, they managed to get the disk recognized by
- HD Setup. Low level format followed and the problem is history. Naturally,
- a full system and application reinstallation was necessary. Kiddies, don't
- try this at home: toying around with the innards of a hard drive is
- something best left to trained professionals.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 14:03:58 -0500 (CDT)
- From: "Traci J. Ingram" <tingram@services.dese.state.mo.us>
- Subject: Help with LetterGothic-EGG font submission
- Armed with a new update of Fontographer for Mac, I have created
- satisfactory DOS/Windozzz versions of the freeware font LetterGothic-EGG
- (which is available in the Info-Mac archives).
- Is there some kind soul who would be willing to provide assistance in
- uploading these to the appropriate IBM forums? The files include both
- TrueType and PostScript versions of the fonts, and I would like for the .ZIP
- file to include recursive directories.
- Help in navigating this "foreign" environment would be most appreciated.
- Traci J. Ingram
- tingram@services.dese.state.mo.us | or | 101-8673@MCIMail.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 09:38:08 -0700
- From: oluppi@cerf.net (Oscar Luppi)
- Subject: INfo-Mac Posting
- Hi,
- What is the address where I can submit questions to the Info_mac list?
- If this is it, how do I get a copy of the Apple Speech Recognition Extension?
- thanks
- Oscar
- OLuppi@cerf.net
- -------
- Oscar Luppi
- San Fracisco, CA
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 94 03:39:52 PDT
- From: INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Subject: InterPoll 1.0.1--Is there a newer version?
- We are using Apple's InterPoll network management utility to map our
- appletalk network. We have version 1.0.1 and have been trying (without
- success, obviously) to find an updated version.
- Apple (800/SOS-APPL) was not any help and said the version was current--but
- Responder won't install on a System 7.x machine.
- We don't have FTP access--is an update posted on AOL, eWorld, or AppleLink?
- Please cc: any replies to insolution@eworld.com
- Thanks,
- Scott Coats
- Innovative Solutions
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 09:08:20 -0800 (PST)
- From: "Frank Ripp, Ext 1313" <FRANKR@mdli.com>
- Subject: LCIII cache cards
- I have an LCIII and am looking for an inexpensive way to
- speed it up. I've seen LCIII cache cards advertised
- for between $100 and $160.
- Does anybody out there have any experience with such cards?
- Do these cards provide any perceptible increase in performance,
- and are they worth the money? Any recommendations?
- Any information on this will be greatly appreciated!
- Frank Ripp, frankd@mdli.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 12:49:09 -0600
- From: marks@boulder.nist.gov (Roger Marks)
- Subject: loading image in MacWeb
- When I try to load a GIF image in MacWeb, I get a message something like:
- "Viewing application not found. Do you want to open one manually?"
- Is MacWeb just acting up, or do I really need to go out and get a viewer?
- If so, which one should I use, and how can I get MacWeb to open it
- automatically?
- Roger
- Marks@boulder.nist.gov NIST/Boulder, CO
- phone 303-497-3037 fax 303-497-7828
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 94 09:37:48 -0400
- From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu>
- Subject: Looking for a Font [Q]
- I'm looking for a math font that includes the following five symbols:
- logical and (looks like a "V")
- logical or (looks like an upside down "V")
- implication (looks like a right pointing arrow)
- biconditional (a bidirectional arrow)
- negation (looks like a tilde)
- If I can find these, I'll be one step closer to getting one of the math
- teachers here to use her PowerMac like a Mac and not use WordPerfect.
- Thanks a lot!
- keg
- * kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu I've got plenty of opinions. Just ask my wife! *
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 02 Oct 94 14:48:47 EDT
- From: el3@cellar.org
- Subject: Looking for a HC stack
- I recently saw an article in a PA state educator's monthly mag that had an
- illustration for a stack called the "Eduator's Homecard" that I'm trying to
- locate. It includes grading and lesson plan modules, along with a bunch
- of others. The article suggested contacting Apple for a copy of the stack,
- but SOS-APPL hasn't ever heard of it. The author of the article is
- unreachable, I haven't been able to find the stack at a number of FTP sites,
- and I'm at a loss for a source for the stack. Does anyone know where I can
- find the stack, or a substitute? Thanks.
- Ed
- --
- Ed Lally
- <el3@cellar.org>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 02 Oct 94 11:39:04 +0100 (CET)
- From: Christian Karpp <chk@cider.rhein-neckar.de>
- Subject: looking for Apple email addresses
- hello,
- is there a list or somewhat available with email addresses of various
- departments at apple.com? say, where to email when having a problem of kind X?
- thanx for _any_ hints, Xn.
- --
- -- "When in doubt, use brute force" - Ken Thompson (Yes, that one).
- --
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 15:34:29 -0500
- From: katarhol@pond.com (Tomas B. Lim)
- Subject: Looking for thumbnail icon maker s/w?
- Does there currently exist a freeware/shareware utility for the Mac (I am
- using 7.1 w/ SU 3.0) that can turn the icon of a graphics file (must handle
- GIF, JPEG, pict, and other common Mac graphics formats, ie. at least those
- recognized by GIFConverter) into a thumbnail of the graphic itself
- available via ftp on the net?
- I had been using Robert (?) Wah's ZiffNet utility, Thumbnail 1.0.2 but it
- has stopped working (ie. now it shows a blank screen when previewing the
- graphic) and I had found it extremely useful in managing my graphics files.
- If you have an URL to any utility you can recommend with a short
- description, if possible, please contact me via email at
- 'katarhol@pond.com' as I do not regularly read the digest
- TIA.
- (PS. Has anyone heard of a Mac offline reader for USENET called MacSoup?
- I have seen references to it in comp.sys.mac.comm and
- alt.usenet.offline-readers but I haven't seen an URL for it if it is
- available via the net. If anyone is already using it, I'd like to hear any
- impressions, good or bad. TIA again.)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 13:56:21 EST
- Subject: LW Pro630 - automatically does both Mac and DOS/Windows
- Traci Ingram states the following:
- "The 630 apparently must be explicitly changed back and forth (via
- software commands) between each different-protocol print job -- instead of
- being automatically re-configured, as is done with most competing printers
- in this price category."
- I believe this is a mis-statement which seriously and wrongly impugns the
- LaserWriter Pro 630.
- We have a LW Pro 630 in an Ethernet environment with both Macs and Windows/DOS
- machines on the network. Printing from either operating system is transparent.
- In other words, we do NOT have to issue ANY explicit commands to re-configure
- the printer. With my Mac II ci, I can print easily seconds after a Windows
- user (and vice-a-versa). I just issue a print command as usual and say OK to
- the resultant dialog box.
- Bruce Troen
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1994 11:14:59 U
- From: "Michael Geilich" <michael_geilich@fostex.com>
- Subject: Mac Music
- Subject: Time:10:15 AM
- OFFICE MEMO Mac Music Date:9/29/94
- Donald Peterson wrote:
- >I'd appreciate advice on s/w and h/w for music on the Mac.
- Don:
- You didn't really give me enough information, but I'll try to be helpful.
- Any Mac-to-MIDI convertor box will do. They usually come in a 1-in, 3-out
- configuration and cost anywhere from $50-$100 and hook up to a serial port. If
- you've got a IIfx, you'll also need a control panel to regulate the speed of
- the
- serial port - it comes free with most MIDI applications for the Mac.
- You didn't tell me what you're going to use to input MIDI into the Mac. I use
- both a keyboard (Casio) and wind controller (Yamaha), so I need a MIDI merger
- as
- well which multiplexes the 1-in. If you're only using a single MIDI input
- instrument, you won't need one of these.
- As far as MIDI output from your Mac, to do what you want you will need a
- 'Multitimbral' unit. One that plays 8 voices at once (usually the drum kit
- takes up only 1 voice) should be fine. You will match the quality of sound to
- the $$ you want to spend. I've gone low-budget with a Roland D-110 - the
- sounds
- are FM-synthesized. A Proteus 1 or 2 sounds much better (sampled sounds) but
- costs alot more. The hottest new thing is synthesized sounds - I haven't heard
- any
- of these boxes. Go to a music store and listen to the different types before
- buying.
- For playing lead lines against backing tracks, there is no better software than
- Band-In-A-Box IMHO. Its inexpensive, comes with lots of preprogrammed rhythm
- styles (keys, bass, drums, etc.) and tunes, and is easy to add your own. You
- won't really even need a sequencer for your uses if you get this program.
- For drum tracks, I'd use something like Different Drummer, although there's
- plenty of others to choose from. I don't have a lot of experience here since I
- only use this type of program for simple things and all the programs I've seen
- are
- actually overkill for my uses.
- Hope this helps.
- - Michael Geilich
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Sep 1994 01:44:39 -0500
- From: werner@rascal.ics.utexas.edu (Werner Uhrig)
- Subject: Mac OS 7.5 and repeated desktop rebuilds
- [ Moderators Note: the information below was made available to me
- by Apple Customer Support in response to my query. ---Werner]
- There are a couple of known System 7.5 desktop rebuild issues that
- we're aware of. Feel free to pass this information on to the rest
- of the world.
- file DeskTop at root
- If a file or folder with the name "desktop" resides at the root level
- of the boot drive and the modified date is not equal to Jan 1, 1904
- the System 7 Finder thinks the drive was last used by System 6 and
- rebuilds the (invisible) "Desktop DB" and "Desktop DF" files.
- It also sets the modified date of the "Desktop" file to Jan 1, 1904.
- InterCon NFS Share 1.3.5
- If InterCon NFS Share 1.3.5 is being used and Macintosh Easy Open is
- installed the desktop files will be rebuilt each time the System is
- restarted. InterCon is aware of the problem and are working on a fix.
- Macintosh Easy Open
- If Macintosh Easy Open is installed the Desktop file will be rebuilt
- twice after the installation of System 7.5. Why? MEO requires the
- rebuild so that files from a non-Macintosh file system can be assigned
- a file type that can be recognized by the Macintosh operating system.
- This modification of the desktop file provides additional information
- that MEO uses to locate applications that can open various file types.
- MEO can cause TWO desktop file rebuilds under the following circumstance:
- If you have a System 6 desktop file "Desktop" MEO also updates during
- the first rebuild. The second time you reboot System 7.5 see's that
- the modify date of the System 6 desktop file is not Jan. 1, 1904,
- thinks that System 6 was the last OS to run and rebuilds the System
- 7 "Desktop DB" and "Desktop DF" files. System 7.5 will then set the
- modify date of the "Desktop" file to Jan. 1, 1904 which then causes
- the file to be ignored by System 7.5 from that point forward.
- Other Interesting Problems in Desktop Rebuilding
- ------------------------------------------------
- Two extensions cannot be open while the desktop is rebuilt.
- If they are, the desktop will rebuild itself incompletely or just stop.
- The two extensions are:
- 1) PrinterShare GX - when extension is open, incomplete desktop rebuild
- results.
- 2) PowerTalk - when extension is open, desktop stops rebuilding.
- Workaround in both cases is to use the Extensions Manager to deactivate
- all control panels and extensions except Macintosh Easy Open, and then
- to rebuild the desktop.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 19:34:52 +0059 (EDT)
- From: Peter Macdonald <pdmmac@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca>
- Subject: MacPPP and Telnet (Q)
- When I use Telnet with MacPPP there is an annoying delay between typing
- characters and seeing them on the screen (after they have echoed back from
- the remote machine). I assume that this is because they are echoed back in
- packets and the remote machine waits to see if it can fill a packet. Is
- this normal behaviour or is there a way to avoid it by changing settings
- somewhere?
- I have Telnet 2.6, MacTCP 2.0.4, MacPPP 2.0.1 and use a 14400 baud voice
- line connection with v.42bis etc. InterSLIP gives similar performance to
- MacPPP.
- The problem isn't there when I use a conventional serial connection, e.g.
- MacTerminal with the VT102 tool.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 14:05:42 -0400
- From: mingo@panix.com (Charlie Mingo)
- Subject: MacWEEK News article retrieval
- "Rob 'Doc' Walker" <UN041424@WVNVAXA.WVNET.EDU> writes:
- >Does anyone know where I can retrieve the text of MacWEEK News
- >articles (aside from commercial on-line services)?
- Well, the answer is "you can't" because MacWeek is a commercial service,
- and redistribution of their articles is strictly forbidden. Hence the
- message at the bottom of each article:
- >(c) Copyright 1994 Ziff-Davis Publishing Co. All rights reserved.
- >This material may not be reproduced in any form without permission.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 09:53:24 -0800
- From: tonya@tidbits.com (Tonya Engst)
- Subject: MS Office update?
- Jim Mueller <jim@pharmacopeia.com> wrote:
- >I encountered this item in an older TidBITs (boy am I behind %^{):
- >
- > Microsoft also announced a "Power Guarantee" offer.
- > If you purchase Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Office, on or after
- > 01-Apr-94 (so hold off buying any Microsoft applications for two
- > weeks!), Microsoft will give you a free upgrade to the next
- > version - either a 680x0 version or a Power Mac version, your
- > choice.
- >
- >I called MS and was told there was no such thing as a free upgrade.
- >
- >Is this an April 1st thing I fell for again, like the "boot up your IIci
- >with these keys down and it comes up with a command-line interface" of
- >several years ago?
- This wasn't intended as a joke! I called MS sales to double-check
- (800-426-9400) and yes they do have an international number, but I don't
- have it handy.
- A rep named Laura confirmed it. For Office, you have to send in your
- receipt and $15 for shipping and handling. "Free" is such a relative term
- these days.
- Try calling again! If the rep doesn't know what you are talking about,
- perhaps the term "Power Guarantee" will trigger her/his memory.
- cheers,
- tonya
- Tonya Engst, TidBITS Editor -- tonya@tidbits.com --info@tidbits.com
- Author of The Word Book for Macintosh Users -- twb@tidbits.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 09:59:45 +0100
- From: pjorgens@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (Peter Jorgensen)
- Subject: Network names and RevRdist (A)
- >Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 16:49:14 +0100
- >From: Mike Brudenell <pmb1@tower.york.ac.uk>
- >Subject: Network names and RevRdist
- >
- >We are using RevRdist to keep "clean" a set of Macs in an open access
- >classroom. As part of the cleaning process the files on the local hard
- >disks get replaced (if necessary) by fresh copies from a file server.
- >
- >All well and good, but one of the files that gets replaced is "System"
- >and, stored in here, is the "Macintosh Name" (as normally set by the
- >Sharing Setup control panel).
- [snip]
- You need RRHelper which is an extension that restores various settings like
- the Mac's name and TCP/IP number etc. (and much more) upon restart. It
- should be available from the same archive as RevRDist (since it's written
- by the same fellow.)
- Hope this helps.
- Peter Jorgensen University at Buffalo, ASCIT, Info. Tech. Services
- 201 Capen Hall, Buffalo NY, 14260
- pjorgens@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu 716-645-3879
- The opinions expressed are those of the author.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 02 Oct 1994 07:38:09 EST
- From: Carl_A._Epstein@mail.magic.ca
- Subject: Newton--> Filofax
- I am wondering if you have a Directory of Articles or.... You are aware of a
- programme that can move info. from Newton to Filofax Etc.
- Thanks...
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 09:26:09 +0100
- From: pjorgens@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu (Peter Jorgensen)
- Subject: Pagemaker 5.0 can't place FreeHand 3.0 doc (Q)
- What am I missing? I can't see my FreeHand 3.0 docs in the file dialog when
- I choose "Place command in PageMaker 5.0.
- TIA for responses directly to me, I'll summarize.
- Peter Jorgensen University at Buffalo, ASCIT, Info. Tech. Services
- 201 Capen Hall, Buffalo NY, 14260
- pjorgens@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu 716-645-3879
- The opinions expressed are those of the author.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 1994 03:24:12 -0400
- From: eric@netcentral.net (Eric Andersen)
- Subject: Postscript printers and modems....
- Does anyone know how I can go about using a psotscript compatible laser
- printer over a modem line? Ths scenario is this.....I have a Q 660AV using
- the Geoport modem and i would like to be able to print out files on a
- Hewlett Packard Laser printer which happens to be halfway across town and
- connected to a friend's 486. Is there any way that I can download files
- to his printer to be printed? I have tried giving him postscript files,
- and he has copied them to the LPT port to print, but they always seem to be
- set up for the wrong page size and end up printing halfway off the page.
- Thanks for the help
- Eric Andersen
- eric@netcentral.net
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 01 Oct 94 00:32:13 EDT
- From: Allan Hunter <AHUNTER@CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU>
- Subject: Power SuperPaint?
- Has anyone heard any rumors about the future of Aldobus' property Super-
- Paint, and whether or not it will be supported, especially in the form
- of a PowerMac-accelerated version? The pages of MacWarehouse are not
- encouraging if only because of the silence on the issue.
- -Allan Hunter
- <ahunter@sbccvm>
- <ahunter@ccvm.sunysb.edu>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 02 Oct 1994 18:59:57 -0700 (PDT)
- From: AUNENJ@PLU.edu
- Subject: RamDoubler 1.5 crashes on 660av running System 7.5 (Q)
- I just got Microsoft Office 4.2 and it came with RamDoubler 1.5. I
- installed RamDoubler and restarted my 660av. The "Welcome to Macintosh"
- appeared with "Connectix RamDoubler installed" below it, but that was
- followed by a system error "illegal instruction". I had no choice but to
- reboot and press ~ to disable RamDoubler.
- Does anyone know why this isn't working? I tried restarting with only the
- 7.5 control panels and extensions enabled, and then I tried it with
- nothing but the RamDoubler extension and Load RAMDblr. I still got a
- system error in both cases. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
- Please reply to my email address: aunenj@plu.edu
- Nate
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 01 Oct 94 00:38:45 EDT
- From: Allan Hunter <AHUNTER@CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU>
- Subject: Seeking speed reports from PowerMac users
- I guess I'm actually gonna do it...I just ordered a copy of a program
- that runs native on PowerMacs but not at all on B&W MacSE which is my
- existing setup, so...
- Curiosity questions: How fast does PowerMac-native Excel run on the
- PowerMac? How about the PowerMac version of MacWrite Pro? Photoshop
- 3.0? My ideal baseline for comparison--what I consider to be FAST--
- is the speed one sees when running MacWrite (5.0 of the original) or
- SuperPaint 1.0 on an '030 chip @ 40 MHz. Five to seven seconds load
- time; once in, everything responds without waits and watch-faces.
- Problem is (of course), the damn software mavens would rather write
- something that sludges along at a barely acceptable pace while giving
- you more extraneous toys than you'll ever need just because they figure
- you've got the processor power to run it. I'd rather have lean & mean
- programs that don't make me wait and don't hesitate.
- Can a PowerMac run native Photoshop 3.0 as fast as it can run Photoshop
- 1.0 in emulation? Can it run MacWrite Pro as fast as it can run, let's
- say, MacWrite II (first release) in emulation? Does it run SoftWindows
- (using DOS programs) as fast as it runs original-release Entry-level
- softPC in emulation?
- I guess I worry that since I can't drag system 6 and my ancient apps
- along with me (or if I can and do, they won't run native), the speed
- advantages of the new processor will be offset by the pigginess of the
- latest versions of those same applications. But I've run out of options.
- The accelerator (Applied Engineering) doesn't work right and AE is out
- of business, and the Mac SE can't be fitted with color QuickDraw which
- has become a bigger barrier to new software than lack of FPU, lack of
- '040 processor, or even lack of system 7 (which I could have run if it
- had been sufficiently compelling to do so). Just ain't no future in a
- box that can't deal with color info.
- >From what I've heard of system 7.5, I think it's time to move on anyway.
- -Allan Hunter
- <ahunter@sbccvm>
- <ahunter@ccvm.sunysb.edu>
- <ADHunter@aol.com>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 03 Oct 94 09:27:14 -0400
- From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu>
- Subject: Thanks - Multiple Enablers
- Many thanks to the following people who told me that shoving multiple
- enablers in my system folder would indeed work. It did!
- The Opera Ghost
- Peter Jorgensen
- Povl H. Pedersen
- Kevin O. Lepard
- John Thoo
- Paul Durrant
- keg
- * kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu I've got plenty of opinions. Just ask my wife! *
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 22:00:16 -0500
- From: clarkw@sam.neosoft.com (Clark R. Wilkins)
- Subject: Totally unimpressed with System 7.5
- I loaded in 7.5 from CD-ROM yesterday to try to fix my problems with
- RamDoubler and other hangups. Instead of getting any relief, I have found
- 7.5 to be abysmally SLOW. I often experience delays when trying to select
- an icon of up to 5 seconds!. Starting file sharing can take several
- minutes, and even took 67 seconds after I tried deleting the PDS files for
- each of the four partitions. (Formerly, this would take about 8-10
- seconds).
- Is there any possibility that something like SCSI Manager 4.3 might be
- involved in this? Just a hunch.
- Disgustedly yours...
- Clark R. Wilkins <clarkw@sam.neosoft.com>
- -My words are responsible for themselves-
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 08:50:47 -0800
- From: handel@sfu.ca (Jay Handel)
- Subject: Virtual Memory Conundrum (Q)
- I have a little over 12 mb of free space on the boot-up partition of my
- hard drive which I want to use as virtual memory. When I open the Memory
- Control Panel, turn on virtual memory and set its size, I can go no higher
- than 12mb -- which seems logical enough. As I calculate it,this should
- give me a working RAM of 20mb -- 8mb built-in plus 12mb of virtual memory.
- When I reboot my Mac the 12mb of free disk space has disappeared. But when
- I open the "About This Macintosh" window, I see the following:
- Built-in Memory: 8,192
- Total Memory: 12,228 12,288 used as RAM on [hard drive partition]
- And, of course, when I try to run more than one application I hit a 12mb,
- not a 20mb ceiling. So what's happened to the other 8mb of memory? I
- previously was using 16mb RAM (8 built-in plus 8 virtual) without problem.
- But I turned it off in order to run some applications on the Illustrator
- 5.5 CD-ROM, and when I turned virtual memory back on, it no longer seems to
- work properly.
- Any ideas or suggestions for diagnostic tools much appreciated.
- I'm running System 7.1 (System 3.0 Update) on a Centris 650 8/230 -- many
- INITS, but the only recent additions have come from Apple (Thread Manager,
- CD-ROM, Speech Manager, etc.).
- Thanks for any insights.
- --
- Jay Handel
- handel@sfu.ca
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 1994 17:10:01 GMT
- From: walkerj@math.scarolina.edu (James W. Walker)
- Subject: VM on PowerMacs (A)
- > It's a real pain if you get a PowerMac with 16 MB of RAM and a 250
- > MB hard disk: If you don't turn on VM, your native/fat apps take
- > more RAM; if you DO turn on VM, you have to soak up at least 17 MB
- > of your hard disk space for the VM file; heaven forfend you should
- > have even more RAM!
- So use RAM Doubler instead of Apple VM.
- --
- Jim Walker
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 15:04:48 EDT
- From: "Mr. Troy Kelley" <tkelley@ARL.MIL>
- Subject: Who's printing to my printer?
- Is there any utility out there that will tell you who is printing to your
- printer? We have a new color printer and someone is printing garbage to it.
- It is on a local talk network, which is connected to an ethernet backbone.
- Thanks
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 9:18:02 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Peter Hoo <PETER@servms.fiu.edu>
- Subject: WP Calender Freezing
- Hi,
- I have a user that was working fine one day and the next day WP Calender
- started locking up. The machine runs everything else fine even when WP
- Calender is frozen. I accessed the Calender from another machine w/ 8MB and
- the same problem arose. I even tried a machine w/ 20MB, it froze too, but only
- after a few minutes. The Calender is on a shared volume. Please help.
- Peter
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 17:56:28 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Jonathan Kaiser Ploudre <essence@halcyon.com>
- Subject: WriteNow4 - comments?
- WriteNow is a different breed of word processor than most people are used
- to. I came from Word 5.0 and like WriteNow because:
- 1) It is much faster for the average project on my IIsi.
- 2) It requires less RAM than other major word processors.
- 3) It has a solid implementation of styles (Character and Paragraph.)
- 4) It has a less 'cluttered' feel to it's interface.
- 5) It starts up faster than other word processors.
- 6) It is inexpensive--~$45--and gives a great bang-to-buck ratio.
- The concept behind the design of WriteNow is that more is not always
- better. It strives to give powerful features without losing its
- efficiency and elegance. I think it's a success.
- If you are going to download the Test-drive demo, The one tricky thing I
- would suggest you check out is Page Preview--It is somewhat slow, but the
- anti-aliased preview looks fabulous.
- A happy customer,
- Jonathan Ploudre
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
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